There’s a black petunia on the market,
and it’s got the gardening world oohing and aahing over it’s deep dark colour. Though most black flowered varieties are actually deep, dark purples, the black petunia called ‘Black Velvet’ is quite black but for it’s faintly purple edges.
Making good use of these contrasting plants requires a bit of creativity. Pair them with white flowers for maximum contrast. Or, try surrounding them with purple foliage plants whose leaf colour will make the dark coloured blooms stand out.
There are a few popular black flowers available for your garden, some are annuals, while others grow as vines, perennials and biennials. Do you have an area of the yard that doesn’t quite drain properly? Try Iris ‘Black Tie Affair’, it likes wet boggy parts of the garden and will add lots of drama with its shiny petals that reflect lots of light.
If you like the idea of mixing pinks and these purply-black plants, a mixed clematis display might provide the statementyou are looking for. The light pink and white blooms of the common clematis vines will bring out the purple hues in Clematis ‘Romantika’, a black flowering climber.
Along with ‘Black Velvet’ petunia, the cornflower ‘Black Ball’ and pansy named ‘Black Jack’ are all great annuals.
This is a great opportunity to put together some punchy combinations of summer flowers. Pair the black flowers with other red annuals for bold colour. Late autumn displays of black and rusty-orange annuals ring in the Hallowe’en and Thanksgiving holidays rather thematically.
For a taller display, try Hollyhock ‘Jet Black’. Always a great companion in the vegetable garden, hollyhocks are statuesque and provide a prolific display of multi-petalled blooms.
These biennial plants will seed themselves in new spots for the next growing season, and the original plant will die after its one showy summer. You can select which seedlings to keep or let go the following spring.
If you love black flowers why not pick some up and see which combinations make the most attractive displays for you? Remember that you can experiment with annuals for one season as a test run before pairing perennials and vines with what’s already in your yard.