Top 4 Easy Spring Gardening Techniques to quickly clean up your yard in spring.
Quick Cut Backs
Give the garden a spruce-up by removing dead branches from shrubs and cutting back ornamental grasses and perennials that were left over winter. The garden will have an instant tidy look. Ornamental grasses prefer to be cut back in spring. The only grasses to leave alone are Carex, or evergreen sedges.
Garden Fertilizer
We never use fertilizer in the garden beds! After years of testing and amazing results, using shredded, composted bark mulch on garden beds is all you need. This wonderful bi-product of the local forestry industry decomposes into rich compost.
Dig Out Weeds … With A Kitchen Knife
The straight blade of an old kitchen knife digs straight down around tap roots. Cut a small square into the ground around a dandelion root to loosen soil and pop the entire root out easily. This works lawn areas as well.
Hack the Winter Blues Away
If you love to prune, cut and saw your way through the garden, spring is a joyous time. Keep shrubs healthy and maximize flowering by hacking down to a simple framework. Buddleja (butterfly bush), Cotinus (smoke bush), Cornus (dogwood), Spiraea (Bridal wreath), and Salix (willow) benefit most.
2014 is the year to end Nature Deficiency Disorder. Get out there, get dirty and get the kids and grandkids involved. Make mistakes and watch the garden recover. Grow some food and keep the neighbourhood gorgeous.