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Three beautiful vines to grow in part shade (Zones 6-9)

akebia quinata part shade vineAkebia quinata, Chocolate vine or Five-leafed vine (Zone 6)

Semi-evergreen, leaves provide a unique texture because of their five lobed leaves.

Growth rate is slow then moderate once established, it will climb along fences, or up a nearby tree.

Flowers are deep purple with a lovely chocolate scent, easily perceptible when you walk nearby the vine. Flowers hang down under the leaves, so they are not highly noticeable.

parthenocissus henryana part shade vineParthenocissus henryana, Chinese variegated ivy (Zone 6)

Evergreen, leaves are medium-dark green with bright white stripes down the centre of each lobe of the leaf. Looks like a maple leaf with zig-zagging white stripes.

Moderate growth rate, perfect for growing on a wall of a garage or shed, needs enough light to turn red in fall, but no direct sunlight or leaves will bleach out.



hedera colchica dentata variegata part shade vineHedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata’, Variegated Persian ivy (Zone 6)

Evergreen plant with interesting variegation. Leaves are white, light green and dark green in uneven patches.

Slow growing, prefers to be grown against a warm background.

This plant is a  great alternative to English ivy (Hedera helix) as it performs well in the shade and is nowhere near as invasive as its English cousin. Can be grown around an entranceway, on a fence or as a ground cover.