Finalize your annual plant display. Order and buy your plants in mid-to late May.
Plant summer annuals. Plan on getting right into planting mode during the last two weekends in May. This is the typical “frost free” period for all of America, even Canada. Getting your annuals in early gives you longer enjoyment of the fantastic colour they provide. Plant, then water in immediately and apply a 10-15-19 fertilizer, the best formula for fruiting and flowering.
Prune shrubs and trees that have finished flowering. Prune trees to control their size or modify their shape – before new buds set in for next year’s flowers. Also deadhead Rhododendrons that have flowered. This prevents seed from forming and gives you great flowers again next year.
Apply Spring Lawn Fertilizer. Your lawn loves nitrogen. Apply lawn fertilizer in spring to jump start vigorous growth. Also consider mowing your lawn to a height of 1.5-2 inches. This is taller than the average lawn, and definitely not what you see on the golf course. Longer lawns shade out weed seeds and are overall healthier and greener than their shorter counterparts.
Lawn care: Top-dress and over-seed your lawn. A great tip from the pro’s: use coated grass seeds to increase the successful germination of turfgrass seedlings in your lawn. The coating prevents seeds from drying out between waterings.
Spray Your Viburnums: If your plants suffer from caterpillar infestations every year, late spring is the time to spray Viburnum species using BTK, a safe pesticide that eliminates caterpillars. This is the only time of year this can be done, before Viburnum leaves have been chewed down to skeleton-like structures.