by Jessica Salvador | Feb 22, 2017 | Garden Care, Gardening Vancouver, Hedge Trimming, Landscaping Vancouver
Cedar hedges can grow rather quickly and in order to keep the hedge healthy and looking its best it is advised that you trim the hedge two times per year. Preparing to trim your cedar hedge Hedge trimming can be done at the same time of year as your spring garden...
by Jessica Salvador | Feb 15, 2017 | Garden Care, Garden Clean Up, Gardening Vancouver, Hedge Trimming, Landscaping Vancouver, Plants and Flowers
This spring will surely be a time of repairing and replacing plants in Vancouver gardens. Vancouver gardeners have experienced an extreme winter to say the least. Several snowfalls brought heavy, wet snow to our landscapes. Following the snow were periods of hard...
by Jessica Salvador | Apr 28, 2014 | Garden Clean Up, Landscaping Vancouver, Lawn Care, Pressure Washing
Three Ways To Get Rid of Moss In Your Landscape. Moss on the pathways. As the spring garden clean up season gets under way in Vancouver, after a high rainfall winter with several snowfalls, it’s noticeably slippery on sidewalks, driveways and decks. Professional...
by Jessica Salvador | Feb 17, 2014 | Garden Clean Up, Gardening Vancouver, Hedge Trimming, Landscaping Vancouver
Treat your plants to some TLC. Check for dead branches or winter damage and prune them cleanly. Trim perennials or grasses that have been left through winter. Formal hedges benefit from a trim and look clean with manicured, straight lines. This can be done by hand...
by Jessica Salvador | Sep 13, 2013 | Gardening Vancouver, Landscaping Vancouver
September Gardening Weeks 1 & 2 Garden Beds: Check plants, shrubs and trees for pests and spray as required. Using an insecticidal soap such as Safer’s is an effective and environmentally safe way to get rid of unwanted pests. Maintain your weeding program...
by Jessica Salvador | Jul 19, 2013 | Gardening Vancouver, Landscaping Vancouver
Discover this year’s selection of gorgeous bulbs for your garden! Spring flowering bulbs are available for order now. These will be planted in Fall 2013, for a spectacular show in the spring of 2014. We have pre-selected bulbs we love, have grown in the past and...